Steve Rogers Learns to Walk Again Fanfiction

Anonymous asked: Hello!!<3 ur web log is everything. Can u rec any more than hurt!steve fics?? Either emotionally or physically, cheers!!!!!:)

Of course!  I love some whump on Steve, gotta acknowledge.  The first list of Hurt Steve recs is hither, but here are some others to check out.  Lots of different kinds of hurt for our dear Steve and hopefully a good variety of authors and fic lengths and types to check out. Enjoy!


Below the cutting for length

As  Yous Wish past Winter_Writer: Tony was a stride away from tying Steve downwards. The stubborn super soldier had no concern being up and walking around on a broken leg. That wasn't fifty-fifty getting into all of the other injuries he was still healing from two days afterwards using himself every bit a human shield.

Looking After America by @copperbadge: Steve tries to shake off a bullet, just Tony takes accuse.

To Concord Your Paw by @festiveferret: Somewhere along the line, Tony had gotten it into his head that Helm America was invincible. Peradventure information technology was the propaganda from when he was younger - comics and clips from the war - or maybe it was the unbelievable things he'd seen Cap get in through in the time they'd been working together. But either manner, information technology had always seemed incommunicable to Tony that the Star Spangled Man with a Program could be truly hurt.So this man - hooked upwardly to lines and sensors, surrounded by beeping things, eyes refusing to open up - this homo isn't Cap, he'south just Steve. And Steve is broken.

Catch and Fall past AloneShadow: A normal mission can end to be pretty dangerous.

Dear Lacquer past pawsdash:"What you need to exercise is to get your spicy, all-American ass back to bed before your husband makes your stab wound look like a paper cutting."In which Steve is injured and Tony is more a flake worried.

Someone Come (And Save My Life) by OnTheTurningAway: Tony doesn't react well (at first) when he finds out Steve is injured during a mission.(Or, Tony actually loves Steve, and Steve's glorious tits. Then feelings leaked all over my porn.)

Just Like an Activity Pic past @captainneverever: Tony'due south armor malfunctions, then he argues with Steve. Merely the Avengejet crashes in the Savage Land. Steve is badly injured and things become worse from there.

Fix Yous by @thegraytigress: The atrocious script, the play by play and scene past scene… Tony isn't going to let it happen this time.  He isn't going to let Steve leave once again.  He tin ready this.  They can talk and not fight.   He'll have to discover a way to make that happen because this has to terminate.   Information technology has to.He has to brand Steve improve once again.

Whatever Sorrow Shakes From Your Center past @blossomsinthemist: Steve gets hurt, and the squad bands together to make him feel better.   Ready in the early classic days of 616 catechism, not long after Steve joined the Avengers; written for Projection Happy Steve.

Morpheus Bound by @winterstar95; Steve slept for 70 years, what would happen if he couldn't sleep again."No, no, it'due south not too much. It's all in that location, and I'thou here and I'thou not supposed to exist, I cannot slumber. Do y'all get it? I can't sleep. I slept for seventy years, and I can't sleep at present. I tin can't sleep." Steve trembles and sways on the dock.

Side by side of Kin past @winterstar95: When in a human relationship does your significant other become your next of kin? Tony and Steve are about to find out.

Rescuing Artillery by MoriartyIsSmart: "His hands began to tremble. His mind flickered, terror striking him, equally flashing images of combat and loss blared similar sirens in his caput."Every bit Steve recollects his nightmares whilst flying the team over the ocean, someone has to rescue him from his own mind.

Emergency Call by Kat_Greenleaf: Steve is existence reckless again, and so Sam calls in Tony.

it's the trivial things past ohmyloki: Steve is injured and he'due south non healing the manner he should. It's upwards to the team to figure out why and it's time for Tony to face a few demons.

Fallen by Southern_Comfort: When Steve is critically injured, Tony has to learn to hide his deep love while helping him to recover.

Damsel in Distress by starksnack: Steve Rogers gets injure in boxing. He doesn't want annihilation simply Tony.

Bingo Fills: Labryrinth by MarvelousMenagerie: Labyrinth : it takes a lot to knock Steve downwards, but fortunately Tony's got him.

Unconscious Confession by JuniperLemon: Steve's pretty injured and unconscious when Tony starts making a confession: He loves him.

Judgement (serial) past YourFadedGlory: Steve took the perfunctory steps astern until his shoulder blades were pressed to the cold concrete while the tray was slid in. A styrofoam bowl filled with pale brown mush that looked a whole lot like oatmeal and tasted a whole lot similar nothing, a styrofoam loving cup filled with lukewarm water, two green pills the size of paperclips, and a chocolate bar?Or, the one where Steve's been missing for years but the whole globe only assumes he's been on the run.

Falling Into Darkness by SongsofPsyche: After a brutal assault, Steve struggles to discover his voice again, struggles to not flinch when anybody goes almost him, or touches him, or makes an unexpected noise. He struggles to stay present simply it is exhausting when his mind keeps flashing back to that nighttime where everything inverse. (listen the tags)

idealism sits in prison house, knightly fell on its sword by ambrolleignsgirl: MCU AU Fest GiftPrison 42, property his friends captive, sits in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. Steve would never have known if it wasn't for Tony. Maybe it can be the new beginning they then badly need.Tony gives Steve the location of Prison house 42, to try and bridge the gaping trench between them. Just he never imagined his olive branch would burn and then speedily.

Beyond the Body of water by Bill_Longbow: He hated this, he hated being afraid. He hated the war and the deaths and the Nazis and the food, don't get him started on the food. He hated water, sea water especially. He hated the oppressive heat of the torrid zone, he hated the hordes of mosquitoes, he hated the giant bugs, just near of all he hated losing his shield. When Steve's outset mission in the Pacific theatre goes to hell before it fifty-fifty starts, he has to fight, and fight hard, to survive. His only hope lies in goading his foe to make a fault, but that'due south discouning a certain famous adventuring genius.

Ritual past miobambino: "if you wanted to write a little stevetony something where an injured tony has to rescue a totally-out-of-it steve, that would be rad. bonus points for strategically torn clothing and/or emergency oral cavity-to-mouth :P"

On the Turning Away by @thegraytigress: Tony's new relationship with Steve is going great.   They're a few weeks into it, and it'southward utterly amazing.  He's feeling better and more certain of himself than he ever has earlier.  Honestly, he'southward flying high.But then he asks Steve a unproblematic, logical, and seemingly innocent question: "do yous want to spend the dark?"  And everything comes crashing down. (mind the tags)

Hither, Tonight past @musicalluna: Steve'southward been making plans, but after a rough battle he decides he can't await anymore.

Mine to Carry past @musicalluna: Steve cuts his easily up on the Atomic number 26 Man armor and beingness unable to take care of himself is, to say the least, a struggle.

Care and Comfort by @musicalluna: Tony offers to preen Steve's wings.It's been a long time since anyone did something so intimate for Steve.

Full (Care and Condolement Remix) past Withstarryeyes: (no summary–wing fic, hurt steve rogers)

The ones worth suffering for by @silverinstars: Tony returns to world and finds out Steve's been severely injured afterward the battle with Thanos.

Taking Care by haku23: Steve is injured. Tony uses less than honourable methods to keep him in bed.

Sleeping With You by backpackbagel: On a routine mission, Tony and Steve have the pleasance of sharing a bed with each other.

No Idle Hands (the Bed Rest Remix) by Woad: In which Steve learns knitting.

Killing Me Softly (With His Song) by @itsallavengers: Steve is Tony's whole world. Tony couldn't imagine life without him. They've grown up together, later on all.Steve gets cancer.


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