Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War released on November 13th, 2020, bringing with it a tight single-player campaign, a multiplayer suite, and a zombies mode. How much you get out of these three offerings are all dependent on personal taste and gaming style, but there should be something for everyone to enjoy.

Given the game's nature, plenty of its facets are downright hilarious. The campaign has a surprising comedic bent, at least when compared to other titles in the franchise, but we're not sure the developers intended for certain things to make us laugh so hard.

10 Woods

Woods black ops cold war

Woods is a fan favorite character from the Black Ops games and has shown up just as much as Hudson and Mason. Admittedly, he has been largely turned into a wisecracking big mouth in this title. He is easily the funniest character in the story, but he has a bad habit of making us laugh even when he is not trying to make a joke. His overly gruff voice would not do well if he ever had to deliver bad news.

9 Overdramatic Depiction Of The Soviet Union

Black Ops Cold War Lubianka copy

Black Ops Cold War was made in the United States and the heroes are a part of the United States government. Even with this in mind, the Soviet Union is depicted as an overdramatic boogeyman. The nation certainly was responsible for some heinous acts, like genocide and mass deportations, but these were decades prior to the events of the game and the regime was under different leadership back then. Black Ops Cold War acts like Stalin was still leading the Soviet Union in the '80s.

8 The Canon Ending

Gameplay screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The ending is one of two missions depending on a binary choice. The canon ending is funny because it feels like it comes from a different game. All of a sudden players are put into a large battlefield with bombs erupting all around them.

Additionally, the mission is prefaced by a cutscene where Adler and Reagan reinforce how you are fighting for the fate of the free world. Even if one agrees with the two, they have to admit it is a little much.

7 The Fashion

Gameplay screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Black Ops Cold War takes place mostly in the early 1980s, and the game takes every moment to remind the player of this. Several licensed songs from around the time show up, but the fashion in particular screams the decade. It is funny to think about some of these villains so concerned with fashion. Even terrorists worry about their looks we suppose. Fortunately for them, the retro look is always in style.

6 Mikhail Gorbachev

Black ops cold war lubyanka building copy

Mikhail Gorbachev was the last leader of the Soviet Union, serving from 1985 until its dissolution in 1991. Black Ops Cold War has the historical figure in a small cameo before his rise to the highest power in the land, though obviously voiced by David Agranov and not the man himself. It is amusing to see the him digitized in this game, especially since it is such a surprise. One wonders how Gorbachev would feel about this if he found out.

5 The "Bad" Ending

Perseus from Black Ops Cold War

The second ending is obviously not canon, but it is oddly more satisfying and feels more complete than going down the righteous path. In addition to all of this, it is also hilarious in its own way. Move on to avoid spoilers if you have not yet experienced it yourself. With the warning out of the way, the ending has Bell, the protagonist, killing Adler and the rest of the team before destroying Europe. Adler won't be training any cadets at the School of the Americas anytime soon.

4 The Use Of Licensed Music

Gameplay screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The first Black Ops game does the same thing during its Vietnam missions. Since Vietnam movies became a thing, the stories have been using licensed music to set a mood to the point of it becoming a cliché. So when players are transported back to Vietnam to the tune of Steppenwolf's Magic Carpet Ride, we could not help but chuckle. We are still grateful to hear some classic tunes while playing Call of Duty, however.

3 The Bugged Decryption Codes

Gameplay screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The two bonus missions have puzzles you must solve in order to properly complete. Operation Chaos has a code to decrypt. The evidence collected in missions helps learn the proper input to crack the floppy disc.

Unfortunately, people have had a lot of trouble properly cracking the code. Each copy has different evidence and a different code, but the evidence does not always lead to right code, making people try all manner of combinations before finding the right one. It is as frustrating as it is funny.

2 Ronald Reagan

black ops Cold War Reagan

In addition to Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan also shows up in a scene, and every moment of it is hilarious. He is only in one cinematic near the beginning of the campaign, but just seeing him so realistically recreated in video game form is both creepy and amusing. Depending on your political leanings, the cameo appearance may be equally infuriating, considering the many controversial policies and scandals of his administration.

1 The Characters' Macho Attitudes

Gameplay screenshot from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The whole atmosphere of the game is caked with unintentional hilarity thanks to the personalities populating the story. These are soldiers, after all, and the macho attitudes either grows tiring or becomes funny. We'd like to think real soldiers are more nuanced and come from all walks of life instead of pumped full of machismo. At the same time, maybe killing people takes a certain personality.

Next: 10 Things That Make No Sense In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare