Destructive Leadership Can Occur at Many Levels in the Organization.

Receiving subversive criticism tin can brand your team members experience attacked, judged, and angry. In a professional surroundings, information technology tin quickly screw into workplace disharmonize and bullying.

Destructive criticism can occur at any level of an organisation. You might receive it from your boss or a peer or take to bargain with it in your team if you're a team leader.

Subversive criticism can destroy team morale and ruin productivity. As a leader, information technology'southward your responsibility to know how to place subversive criticism and remove it from your team completely. And so you can get back to existence an effective leader and motivating your team.

Let's have a deep dive into what destructive criticism is, how it affects squad dynamics, and how to eliminate it from your team.

What is subversive criticism?

Subversive criticism is negative feedback that harms, undermines, or offends the recipient. It may also impact the person's reputation and prestige or denigrate their creations or achievements.

what is destructive criticism

Subversive criticism often comes in the course of a personal attack or emotional flare-up. It may be based on prejudice, such as sexism or racism, or event from the critic'southward own frustrations and insecurities.

For example, if you question an employee's way of doing things, it might make them experience defensive or inadequate. They might then react past lashing out at you or others around them.

Rather than defending themselves, they assault — and the issue is ofttimes subversive criticism.

Destructive criticism is usually vague and non-specific. It focuses on people'due south personal attributes rather than their actions — for instance, calling someone stupid for making a mistake, rather than explaining what they did incorrect.

Rather than focusing on the issue, subversive criticism often wanders into unrelated territory, bringing up sometime grudges and grievances that have nothing to practise with the situation at hand.

Anyone can be a destructive critic, and we've all been guilty of it at times. In the workplace, a destructive critic might be an overbearing boss, a workplace bully, or a devil-may-care co-worker who speaks before thinking.

Constructive vs. destructive criticism

You've probably heard of constructive criticism equally well every bit destructive criticism. But what'southward the difference between the two?

One of the key differences lies in the intention backside the critique. For example, constructive criticism focuses on trouble-solving, while subversive criticism focuses on arraign.

Constructive criticism should help the person improve, while destructive criticism hurts or humiliates them.

When y'all give constructive criticism, you lot respect the person and their feelings, offering communication and back up. You communicate a problem without passing judgment and instead focus on what actions the person can take to better the situation.

Even then, receiving constructive feedback can still exist challenging and atomic number 82 to feelings of insecurity and frustration.

Some of the main differences between effective and subversive criticism include:

  • Intent: The intention behind what you say
  • Delivery: The manner in which you say it (tone of voice, choice of words)
  • Focus: Constructive criticism focuses on actions, while destructive criticism focuses on personal attributes
  • Specificity: Constructive feedback is specific and actionable; destructive feedback is vague.
a chart detailing the differences between constructive criticism and destructive criticism

(Image Source)

What are the furnishings of destructive criticism?

Research shows that people who receive destructive criticism are more likely to:

  • Perceive intended harm
  • Blame the person giving them feedback
  • Distrust the person giving them feedback
  • Feel acrimony

The bear witness besides suggests that people who receive subversive criticism are more likely to feel mental health issues such equally anxiety and depression.

Inside a team, destructive criticism can be a destabilizing forcefulness. Here are four of its main consequences.

i. Information technology destroys team coherence

When one team member receives subversive criticism from another, they are more likely to be defensive during their adjacent interaction with that person.

This makes team collaboration more than hard and affects team coherence and the ability of members to piece of work efficiently together. This has a knock-on upshot on squad productivity and efficiency.

2. It affects employee performance

Even constructive criticism can exist received badly, and destructive criticism is even more devastating.

Receiving negative criticism can affect your employees' self-worth and confidence, pain their performance at work.

3. It causes disharmonize

Destructive criticism can quickly escalate into conflict. Since a person receiving subversive criticism feels attacked, they defend themselves with counterattacks.

These ofttimes have the course of destructive criticism, too, in that they are personal attacks designed to impairment someone rather than resolve a situation.

4. It creates a toxic work environment

Negativity is contagious. When one team member starts becoming disruptive and using destructive criticism, information technology can affect the whole team and create a toxic work environment.

Examples of destructive criticism

As a leader, it'south essential to recognize subversive criticism within your squad so you can nip any bug in the bud before it starts to affect team well-being and performance.

Here are four of the about common forms of destructive criticism that you might come up across.

examples of destructive criticism

1. Bullying

Bullying tin have many forms, and so it's important to know how to spot it as a leader. It might look like an abuse of power — someone in a position of authority using their power over others to coerce or harass them.

It may besides be a team leader who clashes with ane of their straight reports and, as a issue, is ambitious, intimidating, or over-demanding.

Bullying can too take place among and between peers and members of the same squad.

two. Unintentional destructive criticism

We can all be guilty of this from time to time. A careless annotate that means nil to you lot might exist deeply offensive to someone else.

And yous never know how a negative remark might impact another person. Even a joke tin can injure someone's feelings.

Sometimes the intention behind the criticism is good, but the delivery is bad. In this example, notice a way to reframe the criticism in a more positive manner.

Focus on problem-solving and inviting the person receiving the feedback to share their perspective, likewise.

3. Subordinate destructive criticism

Subordinate subversive criticism occurs when a squad member refuses to take the authority of their line manager or another member of the hierarchy.

It often occurs as a result of prejudices such as sexism or racism. White male colleagues are often unaware of the pervasiveness of this type of destructive criticism, so they need to be enlightened of it.

iv. Subversive team dynamics

A disagreement betwixt two squad members can chop-chop spiral into a destructive team dynamic.  The team might divide into two sides, or the whole team might plow confronting their leader.

How to respond to destructive criticism as a leader

As a leader, you're responsible for stamping out destructive criticism inside your team. Follow these four steps to defuse tensions and forestall the situation from escalating.

how to deal with destructive criticism

one. Intervene as before long as possible

Subversive criticism can quickly escalate into workplace disharmonize and go a destabilizing force for your squad.

The team leader must be vigilant and aware of what is going on at all times. Footstep in every bit soon as you lot suspect or receive reports that destructive criticism is taking place.

2. Appraise the situation

To know which grade of action to have, y'all must sympathize what kind of destructive criticism you're dealing with.

Is the intention behind the criticism constructive, but the delivery is bad? Assess whether the criticism is valid and, if so, give it a constructive reframe.

If you're dealing with a workplace bully, you'll need a dissimilar strategy. But if the person is projecting their ain faults onto others or lashing out, it may be because they feel insecure.

Your response to the destructive criticism will depend on the form it takes. Heed to both sides of the story to become a balanced view of the situation.

3. Make up one's mind if the criticism is relevant

Once you've assessed the state of affairs, y'all will know whether the criticism is relevant or not.

If the criticism is relevant, merely the delivery was poor, your role as a leader is to find a style to relay the message to the recipient by reframing information technology as constructive criticism.

Hash out the issue with the recipient and give them the take chances to share their side of the story. Then, find the most appropriate way to address it.

This may hateful incorporating it into their functioning review or a training and development plan.

4. Decide what action to take

If the criticism is relevant, yous'll need to discuss information technology with the person involved. Accept the emotion out of the situation and be as objective equally possible.

If the criticism is non relevant, reassure the concerned team member. Then, talk to the person who gave the subversive criticism to find out their reasons behind it.

There are many reasons people attack others through subversive criticism, so accept enough of time to understand the root causes before taking activity.

It may be that the critic is struggling with problems of their ain and needs support. On the other hand, if you're dealing with a cracking, yous may need to take disciplinary action.

Don't let destructive criticism destroy your squad

Subversive criticism can quickly escalate into something more serious, then leaders must act fast.

Taking swift action can assistance prevent destructive criticism from creating a negative piece of work environment and impacting team performance. Taking the emotion out of criticism tin can assist yous evaluate whether it'south relevant or non.

If you want to develop your people direction skills further to deal with destructive criticism more finer, why not effort our form: How to Manage People?


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