â€ëœdeadpool 2ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Review Sending Up Superheroism Once Again

Superhero Movie (2008) Poster

vii /10

Very funny

With all these bad Spoof movies like Date picture show, Not Some other Teen Movie,Ballsy Film and Disaster Moving-picture show (which is the worst spoof motion picture ever).

And so i was thinking this will be the same, but my god, this movie fabricated me laugh then much, This so much better then others movies listed above.

Plot: In this spoof of Hollywood blockbusters, director and screenwriter Craig Mazin (THE SPECIALS) tackles the age-old story of a regular guy who suddenly finds that he possesses super powers. Ricky Riker (Drake Bong) is a typical teenager, except that his luck is worse then almost. Basically, he's a loser. He'southward been in love with beautiful Jill (Sara Paxton) for years, but is sure she doesn't know he exists. Even his best friend, Trey (Kevin Hart), is willing to throw him over for another clique. But Rick's life changes dramatically when a genetically enhanced dragonfly bites him during a school field trip. In a flash, he becomes the Dragonfly. He can scale buildings, and has immense strength--though he's still a klutz. Rick isn't certain he has what information technology takes to be a superhero, just it's upwards to him to save the city from the villainous Hourglass (Christopher McDonald), who literally sucks the life out of people, and threatens to harm those love to Rick. Mazin, The master spoof is spider man they also spoof Batman, the Fantastic Four, and the 10-Men.

I honey this movie , well the last spoof movie I Saw was Disaster motion-picture show, that was oh my god, that movie was And then bad ) (That is one the reason why i like this more so I Should)

The superhero movie is one of the better spoof to come out final twelvemonth, I am non saying it the best spoof.

I enjoyed information technology!

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10 /ten

An underrated Jewel.

Warning: Spoilers

This is way better than most films that spoof other films. Information technology's a meg times better than the likes of Epic Movie, Disaster Movie and many other pathetic attempts to parody other films. Unlike nigh films that spoof others this one gets the task done without overdoing it and at times information technology even felt like an actual Superhero motion picture as well as talented cast members that fit their roles perfectly and the villain "The Hourglass" was good considering it was a parody film. It also has various one-act elements of its ain such every bit Lucille's funeral and many more than moments that I would mention but I don't want to spoil the film. At the funeral The priest says "We are gathered here today to say goodbye to Lucille" then all the people at the funeral shout "Goodbye!".If you plan to watch this film practice not judge it on the low rating. It's a pity nigh parody films weren't every bit adept equally this.

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8 /10

Ignore those that give this movie a poor rating. It is hilarious!

Alert: Spoilers

I have non laughed and then much for a long time! From the start to the cease information technology is only full of outrageously funny gags that will have you laughing out loud but only if y'all like spoof films! A masterstroke was to bring in the king of spoofs Steve Martin every bit the grandfather. This has everything in it from straight spoof humour to the now usual toilet gags and the one in this moving-picture show where Rick Riker is on the ceiling of the bathroom in his Grandmother'south flat on Thanksgiven Day in his costume is as funny as it is excruciating! But before that scene you see his grandmother stuffing the turkey that is absolutely ginormous and conspicuously far as well large big for the oven but it even so ends upwards being cooked and carved) with a whole manor of things including a live true cat! This is a MUST-Encounter film for lovers of spoofs everywhere!

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10 /10

Why thought of as so bad?

Well, I've been reading the reviews on this flick for quite a while now, and I've got to say: why is everyone complaining virtually information technology? To be perfectly honest, I saw this film because my best friend rented information technology, so I hadn't had a take chances of reading any of the reviews online. If it had been the other style around, I probably wouldn't have seen it, and that would have been but a darn shame. So what if some of the situations are a niggling extreme? And so what if it all seems a trivial "Oh, come on!" - that's what this type of one-act is all virtually! I had a good laugh watching this, and I strongly suggest this for a friend nighttime...but definitely not the flick I'd meet on a family night.

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half dozen /ten

Finally they got rid of Adam Seltz and Jason Friedburg.

The "motion picture" moving-picture show series was really going for a while there (All the Scary Movies had me in stitches) it bombed for a while when Adam Seltz and Jason Friedburg took over and hither is a brief evidence is a list of ratings of some of the other "movie" movies: Date Movie: 57% Epic Moving-picture show: 50% Meet The Spartans: 48% Just with this 1 the series gets better with Superhero films being sent up in a playful way and information technology is actually actually funny. It is a little hitting and miss but I call up that adds to the final feel to the "dumbness" to the film. I think that this is worth a view for the fans of Scary Motion-picture show and haters of the later "movie" movies. Overall this is a practiced and funny film good for a laugh once or twice and I requite it a fair rating of 65%.

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7 /10

Was actually decent!

I really liked this one. I wasn't expecting much, being worn out on spoof movies lately because of the layer of crap that's been dropped on us, the movie-going public. "Epic Picture show","Date Movie","Meet the Spartans" all sucked.

That being said, the people who made this, made the latter-solar day Zucker- styled comedies(a la Airplane, The Naked Gun) Scary Movie three & iv, and non those other "Movie" movies (which are the domain of Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer).

There were parts of this movie where I laughed so hard I could barely breathe. And that happens Then rarely with comedies lately. Seriously, I laughed difficult.

But, it was one of those things that will entertain but never be a classic y'all'd carp watching again. It was a bit forgettable in that manner.

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7 /10

With great parody comes great responsibility

Warning: Spoilers

If "Superhero Motion picture" gives you lot the same giddy, guilty-pleasure feeling as "Airplane!" and the "Naked Gun" movies, it'due south no accident. Some of those movies' personnel – who were also involved in two lesser "Scary Pic" sequels – show upwardly hither. (Those include writer-director Craig Mazin, who happily has come a long manner from 1997'south abysmal "Rocketman.")

The movie'south championship says it all. It's a comedy that takes a well-known hit (in this example, "Spider-Human"), turns it inside out, and uses it equally a clothesline for gags. In this parody version, nerdy Rick Riker (amiable Drake Bell of cablevision-Tv's "Drake and Josh") gets bitten by a mutant dragonfly, turning him into...well, take a guess. Meanwhile, a well-meaning scientist (Chris McDonald) turns nasty when his experiment backfires and he finds he must sap others' life-blood in order to keep himself alive.

As is typical of such parodies, the movie's approach is equally subtle as a spitball gun. Some of the gags are terrific, and some are groaners. But they're all fired at such a rapid pace that after a while, you have no selection merely to give in to the silliness. The characters are similar shooting-gallery ducks waiting to accept parody lobbied at them. Best of the bunch are Rick's well-meaning only amorous uncle and aunt (delightfully played by Leslie Nielsen and "Happy Days'" Marion Ross). The virtually pitiable is a take-off on disabled genius Stephen Hawking, who seems to button Mazin'due south bad-taste button over and over ad nauseum.

This leads me to the movie'southward most required caveat. While the flick is more often than not empty-headed fun, it pushes its "PG-13" rating right up to the edge of the "R" cliff. The film is larded with sexual gags and profanity abound, and what might possibly be cinema's longest-always flatulence gag.

But if you can bear upwards nether the cringe factor, "Superhero Movie" is mostly loftier-powered fun. Keen one-act here runs cervix-and-neck with bad taste. Information technology's a shut race, but the one-act wins.

"Superhero Pic" is rated PG-13 for countless sex and drug references, crude sense of humour, and adult linguistic communication.

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10 /10


After seeing Date Moving picture & Epic Moving-picture show, I said to myself, "how the hell are they coming out with a Superhero Film?" But subsequently seeing the trailer, I forced myself to watch information technology; and I loved information technology. Appointment Picture & Ballsy Movie were absolutely terrible, and from what I've heard, Meet the Spartans is ten times worse than both those movies, merely Superhero Movie is actually mad funny. I loved Drake Bell, Leslie Nielsen was hilarious as well as Kevin Hart, and fifty-fifty though it was a comedy, Christopher McDonald was an awesome villain.

Honestly, if you enjoyed Scary Movie 3 & 4 (which means you definitely enjoyed Scary Picture 1 & 2), and so yous will like Superhero Moving-picture show.

Let's promise Disaster Picture show is just as good, I highly doubt information technology though.

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10 /10

1 of the All-time movies I have ever seen! Information technology had me laughing then loud everybody could hear me!

So I went to the Superhero Movie yesterday and I wasn't certain if it was going to exist any good because about of the reviews and ratings on here were very poor and unremarkably these types of movies aren't very skilful at all. So anyway I went in there with doubts merely in the first 20 seconds I was peachy up even merely with the beginning where there is simply saying who'southward in the picture. From that indicate on to the very finish I had never laughed and so hard in my unabridged life. This motion-picture show was absolutely fantastic and I would meet it over and over again. There are jokes every thirty seconds! I highly recommend everybody to see this fantastic movie, y'all won't regret it.

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ten /10

Misunderstood masterpiece

Having seen the scary movie films and read reviews on here, I was quite dubious about how proficient Superhero Movie was going to be. Simply I was persuaded by costless tickets to a Uk preview.

I'm happy to say that I was astounded by the quality of the movie. The jokes and acting quality are a real pace upwards for the series. Leslie Nielsen consistently caused the audience to collapse in laughter. Meanwhile newcomers Drake Bell and Sara Paxton smoothen as the naive Peter Parker-type character and his love interest.

If only the originals of these movies were equally expert as this witty parody. Can't expect to see a sequel.

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ten /10


For the first time in a long time, they have managed to make a spoof movie that works! If y'all accept seen Epic Moving picture, Date Motion-picture show, Pledge This and the other major disappointments of the final couple of years, exercise not worry! The motion-picture show you lot take been looking for is hither! With superbly executed parody, intelligent observational humour, and the actors (barr Nielson) playing it straight; Superhero works on simply about all levels. It even works as a film in its ain right!

With the major narrative being based on the Spiderman Movie, this film incorporates touches from other such features, merely not as badly as Robin Hood Men In tights did: they are integrated with ataraxy and subtlety. The added touches (reminiscent of the Naked Gun movies) with glory expect-alikes being hurt is agreeable; but the major laughs are in the SM spoofing. I will not mention individual scenes, equally they work all-time when not telegraphed or looked for; but you lot will encounter them, recognise them, and probably wet yourself because of them. :P Very enjoyable. Sentry, laugh and scout once again

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ten /ten

stupid, that'due south funny

okay so yous like this kind of moving-picture show or y'all don't, it's not difficult to make upwardly your mind about it, because it's really goose egg more than a couple of sketches probably made upward on the set. so why do I like this kind of films? that's easy: I similar it because it has such style. anyone who claims information technology's stupid, should think first how hard it is to come up with a good parody. then, they should think virtually how hard information technology is to make anyone laugh, to make a comedy these days. yeah, y'all can laugh with not laughing, and perhaps that's what they are doing here. you lot can't laugh with unfunny sense of humour? okay, just at that place are a lot of guys who savor the comedy of bad jokes. I'm one of them.

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8 /10


They had the right feeling when they idea not to call this Superhero moving-picture show ... just you know filmmakers are not e'er the ones deciding what a film is going to exist called. I'thousand fairly certain I did not watch this when information technology came out, because I was fed up with all the ... "movie"/spoofs from that time ... no offense to them, merely they mostly did not have nearly the "quality" that Zucker movies had - and they did produce this one, so that is a proficient sign.

Too one or really the last motion-picture show Nielsen did! Many probably know him as a comedic actor, merely he didn't start that fashion. Just the Naked Gun movies fabricated him famous to say the least. His timing is impeccable ... equally is his acting. Talking of acting and actors ... such a great cast here! One of the fun things of revisiting "old" movies is seeing certain people y'all've seen since in so many other dissimilar things ... and possibly you tin can appreciate them more than (hopefully).

Really well done to say the least and and then mad ... it is really fine comedy ... depression brow and making it look easy ... when information technology is anything but!

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3 /10

Better than most recent spoofs, but still non adept

When a loser teen is bitten by an insect, he becomes the superhero Dragonfly...

Superhero Picture show is the latest spoof movie to hit the screens. Sadly however, despite the presence of David Zucker (who was involved with Aeroplane!, Top Surreptitious and The Naked Gun movies) information technology still suffers from the fault nigh recent spoofs accept...mainly it's more impaired than fun! The fault mainly lies with the gags. It's simply not funny enough. Some of the jokes do work, such equally the nail gun scene, simply other parts simply autumn apartment. The Ten-men spoof for example, or the whole farting sequence. Blazing Saddles this isn't! One of the key things about the all-time spoof movies, like Plane is that although the dialog is extremely funny, the cast for the most part play is completely straight. This makes it fifty-fifty funnier. Even when there is simple dialog in the foreground, there may well be funny things happening behind the bandage. Again funny. The other key thing is that they all have a plot of sorts, to hang the gags on.

The recent trend seems to be to take scenes from various movies, Then try and spoof them. As a effect the so-called plot of these movies very rarely be. Another flaw these movies accept, is that some of the scenes were actually funny in the original versions, and in almost cases even funnier than the spoof scene! The bandage attempt to go into the spirit required, but with a lot of unfunny dialog and scenes, it's hard to get worked up about it.

As recent spoof movies go, it'due south not as bad as Epic Movie, Date Movie, or the awful Meet The Spartans, just considering that some people involved here have fabricated good, funny movies in the past, it's nowhere well-nigh proficient enough.

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10 /ten

Much amend than I thought

I give x to this motion picture, even not deserving it for making me laugh so hard. I idea information technology would be like Appointment Movie or Epic Movie, that I laughed just a couple times, just Superhero movie is in another level. It is admittedly fun; the jokes continue coming every 2nd from the very beginning to the end. People shouldn't make a prejudgment of spooky movies similar this one, they should simply watch it and accept some fun.

Apart this attribute, Drake Bell is definitely in his territory, and Leslie Nielsen gives a class of what being funny actually is, even later on so many years.

Information technology'southward a moving-picture show with no compromises, you lookout man when you have nil ameliorate passing on TV, just certainly you will have good laugh moments.

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6 /ten


In a earth of parodies that are just complete trash with a funny moment or two, this 1 is pretty dang proficient!! This movie parodies Spiderman (the Raimi/McGuire movies) with some other Curiosity characters thrown into the mix.

Rick is a nobody loftier schooler who wants to impress the girl living adjacent door. While on a school trip to a science lab, Rick is bitten by a genetically enhanced Dragonfly, and begins to prove superhuman abilities. Volition he become the hero his urban center needs?

As I said, this movie is plenty entertaining, witha great cast, and it actually doesn't rely solely on on trash sense of humor (although there is a lil chip). I'd give it a 6.ii rating.

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9 /10

Lowbrow to the core. Luckily, I don't care

Superhero Motion-picture show is mayhap one of the virtually lowbrow films I've ever seen. Jam-packed with below the chugalug gags and sexual innuendos, in other words, the kind of stuff that makes critics gag and feel similar burning down the silver screen. Luckily for me, I'1000 not one of them!

This picture is a express mirth riot, from outset to cease. Primarily spoofing Spider-Man, likewise equally taking digs at various other such films, it follows the story of Rick Riker (Drake Bell), a loftier school student who gets bitten by a genetically engineered dragonfly, and becomes........"Dragonfly", a superhero destined to salve the world from evil! The chief adversary is Lou Landers, a successful entrepreneur whose experiment to genetically alter himself in order to stop crumbling goes wrong, and he has to kill people in order to survive. Oh, and there'southward likewise Rick'southward honey interest Jill Johnson (Sara Paxton), who's basically the picture show'south equivalent of Mary Jane-Watson.

Well-nigh of the scenes, peculiarly the ones spoofing "Spider Human being" were achingly funny and had me losing my jiff due to the sheer number of times that I laughed. I dear this movie, and I'll recommend it to anyone who doesn't care what the deriders of Scary Movie, Ballsy Movie or any spoof motion picture think. (American Pie included)

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2 /10

It'south one gigantic fart joke

I am so disappointed, I was actually looking forward to seeing Superhero Movie, I don't know why, I know I'm getting a lot of hate for it, but sometimes I love the stupid comedies. It'south like a guilty pleasure for me, like Scary Flick or See the Spartans, it's so stupid that it's funny, so naturally I idea Superhero Flick would have been the same. Now there's 1 thing that could make me absolutely detest a stupid comedy, the over-doing of fart jokes, the gross jokes. I don't mind a quick one sometimes, it'southward bad sense of taste, just I tin can deal with 2 seconds and simply allow it get. But Superhero Movie has a lot of dumb jokes, seriously, within the first 20 minutes of the picture you accept a vomit joke, a poop joke, and a fart joke. Non my taste and not what I would consider funny, there are a few things in here that made me express mirth, but it'southward a large disappointment for those who are expecting Scary Moving picture humor that's actually funny.

Rick Riker is a nerd who goes on a field trip with his form, he's in love with this girl, Jill, just isn't noticed past anyone. But on this trip, he is stung by a dragonfly and is given super powers. He learns from his uncle and a foreign man, Professor Xavier how he can save the globe with these powers. He'll need them to fight against the 60 minutes Glass Human, who wants to kill thousands of innocent people.

Would I recommend Superhero Movie? Not really, information technology's more of a rental, I'chiliad deplorable to say that I spent vii dollars on it. Was it a total waste of time, no, I wouldn't say so, just I just detest gross jokes. At that place are a few moments where you lot do laugh, like when Rick walks in and catches a flying nail, his uncle is stunned and Rick says that it's easier than it looks, and so his uncle shoots a blast at Rick's friend and stabs him with it and says "No, information technology'southward non". Y'all might like me become a couple laughs, but I think you'll probably be disappointed like me, unless you're a junior high kid who still likes the fart jokes.


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8 /10

"Sented candle"

If you lot like Scary Movie, yous will like this. It has that same type of sense of humor and not the funniest film ever but yous will get lots of quotes from it.

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8 /x

Finally some other movie that'southward really funny!

Warning: Spoilers

Why tin't everyone non named Zucker or Abrams make a silly, stupid, funny movie parody any more? After the horrible Meet the Spartans I was afraid we'd never once more simply be able to get to a goofy motion-picture show and have a few laughs. Only Superhero Movie has given me renewed hope.

It'due south pretty much what y'all would expect, but the comedic skill of the many actors make it incredibly fun to watch. Yes, Leslie Nielsen is getting old, but his deadpan is withal the best. You'll encounter a lot of other faces you'll recognize, and they do a great task of keeping things moving and never really letting you relax until something equally outlandish occurs. I suppose there were besides many fart and pee jokes, just the filmmakers know they aren't playing to a highbrow audience hither. And I guarantee you this is the first - and probably only - moving picture you'll ever come across with snail-rape! And so if yous bask well done bawdy, slapstick humour, Superhero Movie won't disappoint. I'm not sure many of the jokes volition be memorable or get classics in hereafter years, simply for 85 minutes you'll forget your troubles and laugh out loud. Today that's a lot to receive from a moving picture! Relish.

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viii /10

This one is actually funny.

Warning: Spoilers

At that place accept been a bunch of really bad parody movies lately but this 1 was really pretty funny, with some splendid comic actors cast perfectly and a pretty decent script. It follows the Spiderman plot but includes other films every bit well. Lots of kittenish sense of humor and some great send ups of Tom Cruise, Dr. Stephen Hawking and others. Leslie Nielson in one of his meliorate appearances of recent vintage. Non quite as funny as Airplane but definitely not Date Movie or Meet the Spartans either. Bluntly, it is worth buying for 4 bucks at Blockbuster just for the "Douchebag of the Year" scene. I can not become that idiotic vocal of my head correct now and I've been giggling like a kid in my office all day.

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iv /x

better than expected

i had low expectations for this movie,so i was surprised when information technology turned out to be better than i thought.it wasn't great or anything,but in that location were a few chuckles,and i even laughed out loud twice.still,to me,this flick would have worked better as a straight movie.it was certainly entertaining,and,except for all the fart jokes,information technology didn't reach into the bottom of the barrel for laughs.as spoofs go,this was probably centre of the road fare.not neat,merely not torturous,either.would i watch it once more?i recollect then,if i had nothing better to do.the running fourth dimension,without credits,is about 75 minutes,so,even if you detest information technology,you'll only lose 75 minutes of your life.for me,Superhero movie is a 4/x

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10 /ten

I loved this moving-picture show.

I Loved this moving picture.. I don't know what else to say.. I honey all the movies that make fun of other movies. When I looked at the rating it said PG on information technology.. (Maybe this is but in Canada?) When I went into the Theatre in that location was a row of nearly 7 10 twelvemonth one-time boys. I Went with my best friends and they loved every infinitesimal of information technology. The Humor was the all-time thing about it.. and Drake Bell'southward performance was keen. I definitely will exist buying this movie when it comes out.. I don't know why everyone else had a problem with it.. I recommend this motion picture to anyone who is at least 13 and can handle joke well-nigh sex,drugs, and swearing. For anyone who didn't like information technology.. they really demand to learn to express mirth.. :P For anyone who did similar the picture thats great and I'm glad you accept a sense of humour. :D

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7 /10

Slowly merely its getting there...

Warning: Spoilers

OK...the trailer gave me hope, the original trailer that is, that this moving-picture show would finally bring back those awesome jokes and gags from the great Airplane! and Naked Gun films, and it did, of course not as efficiently. This is a great not bad great starting time for all of the states who want to see the great spoof movies make a improvement. There were some gags that went a little over the peak, not to my surprise, but there were other gags that brought back memories of those classic movies. At that place was non so much pop culture as the other vomit-enducing movies similar Meet the Spartans and other atrocities, simply of grade there was, but we cant blame them, at that place was pop civilization references back in the Airplane movies as well. It put a smile on my face when i heard a good phrase in this pic: "Fruitcake?" "Oh no, i just oasis't met the right woman". You have to exist honest, that definitely brings back some promise that the producers are trying to bring it back. I say requite it a try, I own all the nifty spoofs on DVD, i know my spoof movies, and i can guarantee that this movie is not as bad as others may say it is, and it totally makes See the Spartans and Epic movie look the garbage they are.

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7 /10


i was surfing through netflix when i came across the aforementioned film, Superhero movie. i remember watching this film a few years back only i barely remembered annihilation almost it. i remembered that the recent 'movie' films take all been disgusting pieces of cinematic Hitler, but i saw that David Zucker of 'aeroplane' and 'naked gun' fame was directing and it also had Leslie Nielsen, so i set up my hopes for somewhere in the middle.

The outcome:It works!! its a recent spoof comedy thats actually worth watching!!

granted information technology nonetheless falls into the aforementioned trap of making popular civilisation references, simply there aren't enough to brand it a total hindrance. it is very hit and miss, but actually hits more frequently than one would think. Drake Bell's performance was entertaining, just a practiced portion of his jokes are just looking awkward or disgusted, which once over again, is hit and miss. I as well enjoyed Leslie Nielsen'south performance, but it was deplorable to come across some of the textile he had to do, but apart from that his world famous timing is impeccable.

overall, when its funny, its pretty damn funny, but when information technology flops, it really flops. it has the center of the quondam spoof comedies which really adds to the film and makes it worthwhile to watch, but don't expect utter genius. put your standards in the middle, put your anxiety up, catch a beer and a articulation and merely relax and watch, you'll get more laughs than you'll look.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0426592/reviews

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