How Soon After Surgery Can I Take Viagra

In that blog for a non-medical audience, Alastair Lamb, Senior Fellow in Robotic surgery and Consultant Urologist at Oxford University Hospitals, and Altan Omer, Pelvic GU-Oncology fellow, look at the evidence for utilization of PDE5 inhibitors (Sildenafil citrate, Cialis & Levitra) for penile rehabilitation after prostatic adenocarcinoma surgery.

What is the problem?

Some 6,500 basic prostatectomies are performed each year in the UK (British Association of Urological Surgeons, 2019).  While approximately fractional of these work force have pre-alive erect dysfunction, over 50% of the other uncomplete can await to miss natural erections after prostatectomy surgery, especially if their cancers are locally advanced and require wide clearance to ensure removal of the unit tumour.

Are these erections gone permanently?

There's pretty good evidence to depict that manpower can continue to recover erectile function dormy to two years after prostatectomy surgery (Montorsi et al., 2014), which we believe is part because it takes time for the bruising and scar weave after surgery to steady down down. But if spontaneous erections do not retrieve aside this point then it is unlikely that they will do soh thereafter. Conversely, at that place is beneficial bear witness that drugs so much as Viagra can be accustomed heighten erections after surgery and that, even if such drugs practise not work – for example if the nerves have been remote to maximize cancer clearance – mechanical devices such as vacuum pumps, cavaject injections into the side of the phallus operating room MUSE therapy (teensy tablets inserted into the end of the urethra) are trenchant.

Use it surgery drop off it?

The question therefore remains as to whether longer terminus recovery of self-generated erections can be assisted by much devices and peculiarly past the use of PDE5 inhibitors. This is a process generally well-known as "penile rehabilitation". The concept is that men need to 'use' their penises in order to speed prepared convalescence of the lineage vessels and nervousness that are essential for erections, so that lack of use may inhibit recovery. This Cochrane review pulled jointly randomised trials testing the upshot of PDE5i happening erectile function after radical prostatectomy (Philippou et al., 2018). There were ogdoad randomised trials including 1699 men and the drugs used were either Viagra (Viagra), Cialis (tadalafil) or Levitra (vardenafil). The review found no certify to supporting penile rehabilitation, defined as an improvement in upright function, soured drug, at the end of the full point of conform to up (one to 2 years) compared to a control group who had not received any do drugs. The authors did note notwithstandin that the select of prove was beggarly, mainly because of a lack predefined outcomes and inconsistency in reporting standards (varied definitions of strength, antithetic follow-up durations, multiple modes of judgement including both physician and patient-reported outcomes etc).

How important is nerve-sparing?

The short answer is very. All men in these studies had just about form of nerve-sparing performed during their surgery sol this review was not able to assess the burden of nerve-sparing connected consequent recovery of erections as on that point was no control group to compare to. Previous studies have convincingly demonstrated the critical nature of mettle-scotch (Patel et al., 2011). The decision to undertake boldness-sparing is successful in advance by the surgeon and depends on the extent of cancer. Robotic surgical procedure has allowed Sir Thomas More precise and meticulous surgical dissection of the encompassing layers of the prostate. So, 80% of UK prostatectomies are at present completed with a district attorney Vinci robot, the remainder tear evenly between laparoscopic and open surgery. The outermost layers of the endocrine are a bit like an onion with several layers. The layer containing the nerves is like the brown skin on the onion and the surgeon can choose to cut exclusive this layer to result the brown shin (or nerve layer) in place.


The outer layers of the prostate gland are a trifle like an onion with several layers. The layer containing the nervousness is like the Brown University skin on the onion and the surgeon send away choose to cut inside this layer to leave the brown skin (or mettle layer) in place.

However, when there is a lot of cancer in that location is a real possibility of departure some cancer cells behind if this immediate approach is taken, and thus the surgeon instead chooses intentionally to take this satellite layer with the prostate – the brown skin stays on the onion. So, while information technology may gain the take a chanc of prostate tissue being left behind (which accidentally, is one of the reasons why the PSA may remain high post-operatively), sparing the nerves is a severe step for preservation of erectile function, and men who undergo an intentional non-nerve-sparing procedure should forever be warned of the inevitability of male erecticle dysfunction afterward surgical operation. Of course, for those men World Health Organization undergo already get cavernous dysfunction in front surgical operation, no quantity of nerve sparing testament return natural erections.

Isn't Viagra very expensive?

Viagra is indeed rather expensive. A boxwood of four 100mg tablets (Viagra, Pfizer) testament cost the NHS or you (by private prescription medicine) £23.50 per box. However, since December 2022 in the The States, and amazingly since June 2013 in the UK, information technology has been accumulation for early drug manufacturers to make believe generic sildenafil and indeed, with a tete-a-tete prescription you give the sack now pick up a box of 4 x 100mg sildenafil citratetables for American Samoa little as 79p, a thirty-fold discount. IT's almost atomic number 3 cheap as paracetamol! The NHS is slow wakeful up to this but still official NHS guidance entirely permits one packet of four tables per calendar month for those who meet strict erectile dysfunction criteria. We trust this will interchange soon, given that 11 boxes could be purchased for the £8.80 standard NHS ethical drug charge! Furthermore, Cialis also came off unobstructed in December 2022 in the US and we can therefore expect taxonomic category tadalafil, which currently costs £54.99 for a box of 28 x 2.5mg – cialis is mostly taken daily referable its longer fractional-living – to fall to similar prices.

Where does this leave you?

Crescendo accessibility of these previously costly drugs is a tremendous assistance for men who have undergone base prostate OR. Despite the incertitude regarding erectile organ rehabilitation, there is no doubt that real-time erections often improve while along Sildenafil citrate (Beaver State Cialis or Levitra etc) and so straightforward access to these drugs is essential for a speedy return to a functioning sex life after cancer, for those WHO want it.

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References (pdf)

Alastair Lamb and Altan Omer take nada to disclose.

Altan E. Omer MD FEBU is a Pelvic Uro-Oncology and Robotic Operating theater Fellow at the Churchill Infirmary, Oxford.

How Soon After Surgery Can I Take Viagra


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