Where Did the Name Cleveland Browns Come From

Where Did the American Emphasis Come From?

The American accent was influenced aside immigrants and British colonizers.

American English is the put off of varieties of English language spoken by Americans. It is the most secondhand language in the United States and has been accorded the official position quo in 32 of the 50 Department of State governments. It is considered the Delaware facto spoken language just is not the formal language due to its widespread use in the US. The impost of the English in the USA was a answer of British colonization, which commenced in North America in the 17th hundred and immigration occurring in the 18th and 19th centuries. The American punctuate thus formulated into newborn dialects due to the influence of the British colonizers and immigrants from Germany, Africa, and Dutch.

History of North American country European nation

In the 18th century, whether declaring America's Independence OR pledging dedication of King George, pronunciation were very much the homophonic. In that location was no note 'tween American and British English as both accents were largely rhotic. Rhotic speakers, which was considered equally tralatitious Dry land English, pronounced the "r'' sound in words like "winter". During the War of American Independence, non-rhotic speech came into use among the Britons WHO had amerced wealth during the Industrial Revolution. They wanted to distinguish themselves from other commoners hence tamed the prestigious not-rhotic pronunciations to demonstrate their new status.

After attaining independence, the United States expanded westwards and a new wave of immigrants arrived. Each aggroup that settled on the American soil had its unique bear on on the Traditional American English. The elite British rulers introduced their non-rhotic speech in America and changed the pronunciations of rhotic speech. Since the Northeast kept neighbouring ties with the British people, they incorporated some British names in their voice communication. Slaves brought from Occident Africa light-emitting diode to the development of African North American nation Vernacular English which formed the basis of accents for African Americans. Germany, which brought the largest undulate of immigrants adopted the nasal tones and introduced their own clipped speech patterns which form the base of the American accent. Scandinavian immigrants from Union Europe brought about their middle-aged world accents while the Russian Yiddish-speaking Jews from Orient Europe introduced many an new words and numerous turns of phrases in English language.

The practice of incorporating unweathered vocabulary items to the traditional American language commenced with the adoption of names for unaccustomed flora, fauna, and topography from the different groups that located in the USA. Progressive revolution technological advancement experienced in the 20th century brought in revolutionary classifiable phrases and idioms to the traditional American English.


Today, what is termed as the American accent is an comprehensive accent perceived to be neutral and free of regional characteristics. It lacks certain perceptible sociolinguistic salient features so much as non-rhotic speech, heathenish features such as the serene pronunciation of letter "l", and social-profitable features.

Traditional US regional accents are happening the sceptre of extinguishing due to the influence of multi-ethnic, mass, and mainstream media. Children learn less about their native languages and cultures from the agents of socialization in society much arsenic their parents, grandparents, and teachers. They are more glued to YouTube, Disney Channels, and Nickelodeon whose main characters utter in standard Western American accents that children adopt and abandon their own accents.

Where Did the Name Cleveland Browns Come From

Source: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/where-did-the-american-accent-come-from.html

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